Lunch Hound movie: pictures, trailer and plot

Lunch Hound

Animation movie Lunch Hound.
Here you will find Lunch Hound 1927 film trailer, pictures and plot. IMDB rating and user reviews will help you to understand if you should watch this animated movie in theater or buy on DVD. Also don't forget to check the similar cartoons!
Year: 1927
Country: United States
Release date: Lunch Hound premiere in USA. -
Genre: Comedy, Short,
Cast: Walter Lantz
Duration: -
Description: The film starts with Lantz in person slapping some paint on the bottom of a canvas, turning it over and the paint drips down to create a forest that his dog pal can live in. He draws a roast turkey then he moves it around as the dog chases after it, it just a photo cut-out of Lantz's hand, but he can move the turkey INTO the painting (achieved by animating the turkey getting smaller as it moves further into the background). The maid has quit so the two must find lunch by themselves. Thus begins the parallel adventures as the dog goes to the pond, the butcher shop, and up a tree to find lunch, meanwhile Lantz cooks bacon in the real world.
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IMDb Rating:
16 votes.

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Creators of the animated movie
Walter Lantz
Walter Lantz - director Walter Lantz
Director, United States, 95 years.
Is Walter Lantz, Klayd Djeronimi your favorite director? And do you like cartoon,short,comedy genres? Then you certainly need to buy Lunch Hound on DVD or watch the animation film in theater.
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