This Way Up movie: pictures, trailer and plot

This Way Up

Animation movie This Way Up.
Here you will find This Way Up 2008 film trailer, pictures and plot. IMDB rating and user reviews will help you to understand if you should watch this animated movie in theater or buy on DVD. Also don't forget to check the similar cartoons!
Year: 2008
Country: United Kingdom
Release date: This Way Up premiere in USA. 24 April 2008
Genre: Comedy, Short,
Director: Adam Folks, Alan Smit
Cast: -
Duration: 9 min.
Description: A.T Shank & Son have a bad day at the parlor when a falling boulder flattens their hearse. Emotional and literal pitfalls lie in wait for the odd couple as they make their way cross country with just a coffin for company. This short animated caper puts the fun back into funeral as their journey and relationship unravel on an epic scale.
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IMDb Rating:
931 vote.


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Creators of the animated movie
Adam Folks
Adam Folks - director Adam Folks
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Is Adam Folks, Alan Smit your favorite director? And do you like cartoon,short,comedy genres? Then you certainly need to buy This Way Up on DVD or watch the animation film in theater.
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